I am a true believer in Kaizen – “change for the better” or continuous process improvement to increase efficiency. I enjoy working hard and am always challenging myself to learn more. As a leader, I manage executive level relationships, headcounts, and strategically plan hiring. As a recruiter, I recruit and source a wide range of roles in: software development, IT, security, DevOps and product management.
Engineer a number of high volume recruiting projects. These range from Java Development, Spark ingestion engineers, and data center staffing. This process resulted in 32 Java hires in 4 months.
Employ data driven feedback to hiring managers regarding job requirements, skill set availability.
Evaluate the interview process to minimize candidate fall out. Suggest common sense approach to ensure quality candidates were not lost. Found gaps in the marketplace and presented solutions to managers and leadership.
Design candidate sourcing pipelines, using detailed intake meetings, listening to technical screens, to building candidate templates to reduce number of screens to fill.
Target specific, qualified professionals in target companies for niche roles
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