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Vocabulary - Geography

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Teacher's note


🗣️ Lead-in

What do you think of the crime rate in your city or town?
What kinds of crime do you know?
❗ Teacher’s note:
Обратите внимание студентов на разницу между mugging (usually happens in the street, the criminal is aggressive and might threaten the victim), burglary (breaking into somebody’s house and stealing some goods) и theft (the act of taking somebody’s property in general). Можно так же вспомнить слово robbery (the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, usually with violence and threats). После соотнесения картинок и названий криминала, попросите студентов объяснить, чем характеризуется тот или иной тип криминала. (Vera, what is an arson? – It’s a criminal activity in which people set buildings on fire.)

⭐ Match the words with the pictures.

kidnapping fraud vandalism bribery theft

arson shoplifting mugging burglary murder


📝 Choose the correct option.

I heard some strange noises in the living room at night. When I came down with a flashlight, I saw that my TV had been gone. It’s the first shoplifting / burglary in my life! I hope the last one, too.
They called me and notified me that some money had been transferred from my account, I believed them and told them my pin number! How could I be so stupid? It was clearly a mugging / fraud.
They painted over a monument in the central square. Some people said that a part of this monument was torn off. Vandalism / bribery doesn’t usually happen in our town, that was really unexpected.
Unfortunately, I have had a burglary / mugging experience. When I was a teenager, some street hooligans stole my phone and hit me in the stomach.
This guy has always been angry at the owner of this shop for some reason. When I saw this big fire, I instantly knew that it had been an arson / a murder.
The security has been increased in our department store because of 8 cases of kidnapping / shoplifting last month. I think we need a security guard in every aisle!
We live in a highly corrupted city. Every politician here is not a stranger to bribery / vandalism. Someday this activity will be revealed, and our citizens will learn the truth.
I don’t think there are any murder / kidnapping cases in this area. I have never heard about a person being caught in the street and brought to an unknown location. I’m really grateful for that.
❗ Teacher’s note
Задание выполняется в парах / группах. Задайте лимит на выполнение задания – 5-7 минут. После возвращения в общую комнату, спросите, совпало ли их мнение с мнением партнёра и на какое место они поставили бы тот или иной тип преступлений и почему (Svetlana, where is burglary on your list? – It’s number 6 because it doesn't harm a person physically, but brings a big financial damage).

📢 Breakout rooms. How would you rate these crimes? Make a list of crimes – from the most harmful to the least harmful.

❗ Teacher’s note
Читаем вместе. Попросите студентов назвать криминальные действия, совершённые этими людьми (Simon Leviev – theft and fraud, Bonnie and Clyde – burglaries and murders, Paul Keller – arson and murders, Butch Kassidy – burglaries, theft). Спросите, с какими историями они знакомы. Могут ли они добавить какие-то детали? Затем подведите итог, как называют данных преступников (Simon Leviev – fraudster and thief, Bonnie and Clyde – burglars, thieves and murderers, Paul Keller – arsonist and murderer, Butch Kassidy – burglar and thief.)

📚 Read about these criminals. What crimes did they commit? How would you call them?

Simon Leviev

In 2017–2019 he allegedly tricked people across Europe into giving him an estimated $10 million by making them believe in a successful business scheme. There is a video documentary “The Tinder Swindler” which describes his story. In 2022, shortly after the release of the documentary, Leviev found a talent manager in hopes of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.

Paul Keller

He was convicted of setting over 107 fires and admitted to setting over 76 of them. The fires killed at least three people and caused more than $30 million in property damage during a six-month period during 1992–1993. He is serving 107 years in prison.

Bonnie and Clyde

The couple were known for stealing money from banks, small shops or rural funeral homes. They travelled around the Central United States during the Great Depression between 1931 and 1934. They are also believed to have murdered at least nine police officers and four civilians during that time. They are the most romanticised couple of criminals ever known.

Butch Cassidy

He was an american outlaw and foremost member of the Wild Bunch, participated in lots of burglaries around the western United States in the 1880s and ’90s. He remains one of the most well-known icons of the "Wild West" mythos.
❗ Teacher’s note
Задание выполняем вместе, попросите учеников по одному составить нужные слова. Если студент затрудняется с ответом, привлеките следующего. Обратите внимание студентов на то, что у arson и fraud нет глагольной формы, действие описывается с помощью слова commit, так же, как и во фразе commit a crime.

⭐ How do we call criminals who commit these crimes? What are the actions called? Complete the table.

to vandalise
a burglar
to commit arson
a mugger
to murder
a kidnapper
to bribe
a shoplifter
to steal
a fraudster
to commit a fraud
There are no rows in this table
❗ Teacher’s note
Задание можно выполнить вместе, можно разделиться на группы / пары. Поясните, что в задании могут быть как существительные, так и глаголы. Глагол должен быть поставлен в правильную форму.

📝 Complete the sentences using the correct word. If you need to use a verb, use the correct form.

Example: The murderer (murder) confessed to his crime. He got 10 years of prison sentence.
A …… (shoplifting) turned out to be a local homeless man.
My neighbour’s car was …… (theft) during the night. The …… (theft) broke the car window to get in.
The …… (kidnapping) asked for $100000 to let Jacob go. His family are gathering money.
Mr Newson …… (bribery) a college principal to get a place there for his daughter.
He deliberately set a buidling on fire. He is an …… (arson)! Thankfully, no one got hurt.
There are lots of …… (mugging) in the area. Keep an eye on your belongings.
Someone has been trying to use my credit card. The …… (fraud) contacted me via e-mail and asked to pay him $500 to get my card back.
There is a group of criminals who …… (burglary) houses in the area, the police can’t find any fingerprints to identify the …... (burglary).
❗Teacher's note
Задание лучше выполнить вместе. Студенты читают предложения и переделывают их по одному, используя слова из предыдущего задания. Обратите внимание студентов на пример.

💬 What are the crimes in the following cases? Rephrase the sentences. Use the words for actions, words for criminals and types of crimes.

Example: You are trying to find your wallet in your bag and realise that it’s not there. You remember that you last saw your wallet in the bag while talking to your co-worker.
A: Somebody stole your wallet. The thief is possibly your co-worker. It is a theft.
You saw a person in a shop trying to take some food without paying for it. It turned out to be your friend.
You saw a woman being shouted at by 2 men in masks on the street. They were trying to take her purse.
Your neighbours’ children are spray painting an inappropriate picture on the wall of a local school.
You realised that someone has stolen your personal data and they are trying to use it to take out a loan in a bank.
You saw a suspicious young man taking a baby out of a stroller in the park while the baby’s mom was talking on the phone.
A person you know has just walked out of a shopping centre, there is fire behind him.
You heard some strange noises in the flat next door, but you know that the neighbours are not home.
You saw a local businessman giving some money to a public servant, he got a big renovation project next week.
❗ Teacher’s note
Разделите студентов на пары/группы для обсуждения видов криминала и подходящих наказаний из предыдущего задания. Поясните, что это может быть любое наказание, не только по существующим законам и кодексам. Задайте лимит выполнения задания – 5-7 минут. После возвращения задайте каждому вопрос, что бы он сделал в данной ситуации и какое наказание было бы уместно для этого случая.

📢 Breakout rooms. What would you do in these situations? What punishment do the people deserve?

❗ Teacher’s note
Разделите студентов на пары для выполнения задания. Поясните, что одному из учеников в паре нужно будет демонстрировать экран для ответов на вопросы. Если ваши ученики не знают такой функции в Zoom, или вы не уверены, что им подходит такой формат, можно дать вопросы списком, приведённым в задании.

📢 Breakout rooms. Follow the
. Discuss the questions.

Is crime a serious problem where you live? If yes, what kind?
Have you ever seen a crime being committed?
Do you know anyone who has been mugged or burgled?
What kinds of crimes do you think are increasing?
Do you have any crime prevention tips or advice?
Would you change the type of punishment for any crimes?
What countries do you think have the biggest crime rate?
Why do people become criminals?

📢 Feedback time!

Can you give examples of useful words and phrases you’ve learned today?
Which ideas of your peers were new / surprising / interesting / wise?
What was challenging?

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