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Professional Experience

November 2022
- Present
Growth Fellow
I work with their growth and go-to-market teams to identify student needs within my school and provide solutions using the Coda software. Through weekly meetings with product managers and growth associates at Coda, I have been learning valuable insights on how to understand user needs and build solutions effectively to address their problems.
Alongside my technical background, this experience has allowed me to become a more well-rounded developer than understands user needs and prioritizes the end user while building software.
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you can find more information about the program

November 2022
- Present

Web Developer
I have been working as a web developer for the Adel Research Lab under the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
I have been gaining extensive experience in front-end engineering as I build the website that includes information about the team, projects, newsletter, and more. I have been using HTML, CSS, and Next.Js, a web development framework enabling React-based web applications with server-side rendering.
By clicking
you can find the website I’ve been building for the lab.

November 2022
November 2022

I co-founded Usersmagic, a user research platform with over 200,000 users, and had clients that included Nike, Vodafone, and Phillips. While building my startup, I have experienced designing and building a SaaS product, building a strategy to compete with large user research companies, and talking to users to complete user and market research.
I had to wear different hats and covered the roles of front-end engineering, product management, growth, and user research.
Here are some of my product designs at Usersmagic



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