Hiring List Template

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How to use template

How to make this doc your own and share it more widely.

Important note

Once you’ve finished customizing this template, remember to
(or delete) this page so it won’t be visible to others before sharing it out.

Step 1: Make a copy of this template

Once you’ve made a copy, rename the doc, then tidy things up on the by removing all of the text above the ‘Instructions’ section. You can even so only you and other doc editors can see it.

Step 2: Customize the doc

Click the ‘lock’ icon at the top-right of the doc to edit and customize this doc the way you want.
Add (or paste) a couple candidates to the list so people know how the doc works.
To paste from an existing spreadsheet, first re-order the columns in the table below by simply dragging them to the left or right (so they match your existing sheet); you can also right-click on any column header to insert new columns or hide/delete existing ones.
See the Additional settings on the page to update the doc with Functional areas, Roles, Locations relevant to your company.
If you want to allow people to add candidates to the list without signing up for Coda, you can on the page as an external link.

Step 3: Publish, share and invite others to add themselves to the list

Publish and share

Click ‘Share’ to publish this doc and share doc link via LinkedIn, Twitter, or email. You can decide whether you want others to be able to copy it.

Invite people to add themselves to the list

All people need to do is fill out the form on the page. As a doc editor, you can always add names, or remove ones who’ve indicated they’re no longer looking. Note: You can even get fancy and use daily or weekly to clear all entries marked as ‘no longer looking’.

Invite people to add themselves to the list

Two ways to do this:
Share this doc with them, then direct them to the the page to fill out the form.
Share the anywhere, on social media or in an email.
As a doc editor, you can manually add names to the list, or remove people who’ve indicated they’re no longer looking.
Note: You can even get fancy and use daily or weekly to clear all entries marked as ‘no longer looking’.


This doc has been set up so only the Owner/Doc admin can change the doc-lock settings. Please add anyone else who will be helping to manage this list.
Customize candidate list
Role / Position
Functional area
Current Location
Location(s) Preferred (may select multiple)
LinkedIn link here
Email (optional)
Date added (auto)
Jo Lee
Analytics / Data Science
3/11/2022, 8:22 AM
Sam Ty
Creative/Brand Design
New York
3/11/2022, 8:51 AM
There are no rows in this table
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