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Launch Dystopia → A full mint of all 4500 Dystopians on 1 Dec 2021.
$10K+ donation to charity decided by :
Community Wallet Setup ($10K initial deposit)
Auto Raffle → this will be a huge giveaway of numerous Solana blue chips decided by the community. Every Dystopian is automatically enrolled for this giveaway, and the NFTs will be airdropped to the wallet.
1 Dystopian → 1 ticket
1 Technocrat → 5 tickets
Pool of Solana Collections → Thugbirdz, DegenApes, Auruarians, Dystopians, Turtles + more decided by community
$40K worth of NFTs
The First Faction War → This will be a custom Minecraft game that will be voted on by the Technocrats since they are the current rulers of Dystopia. We understand that not all holders will be available to participate, so we will allow other gamers to play on the behalf of their Dystopian. There will be a small fee for non-dystopians to participate in our Faction War. This revenue will be paid to the Dystopian holders. We will talk about this in detail in our Discord Server.
$20,001 USD prize pool
10K worth of NFTs
5K worth of Dystopians (floor sweep)
team games
1 Dystopian → 2 Players
Registration is $15 for non-dystopians
Registration is free for dystopians

Total Budget → $80K USD (this amount will directly be taken from the primary sale revenue)
Estimate Timeframe → 1-1.5 Months

Auto Raffle: You get free entries on numerous raffles like the Auto Raffle happening this very month. The Auto Raffle will automatically register you to win numerous blue chip NFTs such as DegenApes, Turtles, Trippy Bunny, Thugbirdz, Auruarians. The full list will be decided by the community itself and the price pool is worth $40K USD.
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