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Employee Data Collection

Hi Metapally, welcome to the family! We would like to ask you several questions in order to input your data into our employment database.
Let's start by filling in your personal detail.
Full Legal Name
Please provide the full legal name that is written in your ID or birth certificate.
How would you like your colleague to address you?
Place of Birth
Please choose the country where you were born.
Date of Birth
As stated in your ID or birth certificate.
Please select your nationality. If you have two nationalities, please select the one you usually use.
As stated in your ID or birth certificate.
Please inform your religion in order for us to know your belief holiday.
Marital Status
As stated in your ID or Family Card.
As stated in your ID - this is where you live or have as your permanent address.
Current Address
Please inform your exact address; aiming to keep your address for sending surprises.
Email Address
What's your personal email address?
WhatsApp Number
Please input your WhatsApp number.
Do help us to fill in your emergency contact details as well!
What is their name?
How is your relationship with them?
Email Address
What's their personal email address?
WhatsApp Number
Please input their WhatsApp number.
We would also need your identification details for record keeping.
ID Number
Please find it in your ID.
Tax Number
Please find it in your Tax Card. If you don't have it now, please put "0" and provide us immediate.
Passport Number
Please find it in your Passport. If you don't have it now, please put "0" and provide us immediate.
Your bank details is here in the event we would need to settle financing matters.
Bank Name
What bank are you currently using for salary payments?
Please provide your SWIFT Code which is stated in your bank book.
Bank Code
What is the bank code?
Bank Address
Please provide the bank address stated in your bank book.
Branch Code
What is the branch code?
Account Number
Please input your account number for us to send your income.
Account Name
Please input the account holder's name - note that this has to match your legal name as well.
Now, please fill in your job information.
As stated in your offering letter.
As informed to you.
As informed to you.
Work Email
MetaPals email address you received.
Join Date
As stated in your offering letter.
End Date
If permanent or full-time, please insert "Permanent." If not, follow your contract end date.
Working Location
Where are you currently based?
Public Holiday
Please follow the countries holiday that you follow. If you have two nationalities, please select the one you usually follow.
Last, please attach some documents.
ID Card
For legal purposes.
Latest Education Certificate
To collect your background information.
Tax Card
For tax related purposes. If you don't have a tax card, please insert a blank document and provide us soon.
Family Card
It will be used in the future if we set our private insurance.
This document will be used if we ask you to go abroad. If you don't have a passport, please insert a blank document and provide us soon.
Bank Account
For financial matters.
Signed Contract
To keep your document safe.
Formal Picture
For us to use in any professional setting, including creating employee ID if necessary.
Semiformal Picture
To be posted on posters/banners about your achievements, birthday, anniversary, etc.
Thanks for your participation, Metapally! We are looking forward to meeting you soon! 🙌🏻
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James Christian Wira
James Christian Wira
Never Married
JL MANDALA BARAT III NO 9, Tomang, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, 11440
JL PELEPAH KUNING III BLOK DB13/24, Kelapa Dua, Curug Sangereng, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, 15810
Joanna Patricia
Fullstack Developer Intern
Tech Team
Handriki Kasa & Matthew Albert
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