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Saying No

This is a simple practice to get in the habit of saying "No". This helps to both feel and strengthen your boundaries. Make no your new favorite word


Practice the 80/20 rule. Say No 80% of the time and yes 20% of the time.
Say No to hangouts with people, for favors, rides, conversations, etc.
Think of every opportunity to respond to someone as an opportunity to say No.
Whenever you say no, notice how you feel in your body. Where does the sensation live in your body? What kinds of thoughts do you have?
You are not obligated to explain yourself or your No, and if it helps you can explain what and why you are doing this practice. You have permission to disappoint people.
For the 20% yes, make sure you are saying yes to things that are of direct benefit to YOU. You have permission to be selfish and self serving.
Notice what happens in your body and mind when you say yes. Where does the sensation live in your body? What kinds of thoughts do you have?


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