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Ankora Internship 2021

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Ankora Internship 2021

Curriculum for Internship 2021

1. Workflow in Ankora (Pale)

1.1. Introduction to the Trello (Engineer Efforts and Availability board)

Learn Trello basics (create board, create list, create tasks)
Create first project in Trello (customize board, add tasks, build workflows)

1.2. Example of a stand up (daily report)

Explain what is stand up
How to write stand up

1.3. Brief introduction to Jira

Explain what is Jira
Learn Jira basics (create project, setup template, create tasks)
Explain how to write task and what is important when creating it

2. Git

2.1. Git introduction

Create repository on gitlab, create accounts on gitlab
Pull some example code from repository
Switch to a new branch
Push on test branch

2.2 Pull requests

How to create pull request
Do a test review, as an example
Close PR, merge it to main branch


3. Basic / Initial setup

Install VS Code -
Install git -
Install Node.js -

4. CSS/HTML - Tucko

4.1 Working with HTML

HTML Introduction and History
Working with HTML Elements
Adding Attributes to HTML Element
Working with Input Elements
Working with Forms
Working with Lists
Working with HTML Tables
Adding Styles to HTML Elements

4.2 Working with Application Styling

CSS basics
Working with classes and ids for styling
Working with Flex-box - - interactive learning
Working with positions

5. Introduction to JavaScript - Tarek

Creating Variables in JavaScript
Creating Functions in JavaScript
Working with Conditions
JavaScript Execution Model
Understanding “false” and “falsy” values
Block Scope Variables

6. JavaScript objects and arrays - Tarek

Create new object
Manipulate object - adding and deleting object properties
Looping through arrays
Sort, filter, find etc.

7. Modern JavaScript - Tarek

Working with ES6
Arrow Functions
Object Literals
Rest and Spread Operators
Template String
Working with Classes
Promises in ES6
Working with the then chain
Working with Async and Await

8. React - Lila

Introduction to React
Project structure
Working with Virtual DOMs
React Component (class vs functional, life cycle)
Pure components
React functional components (detailed)
Working with fragments
Using css/scss in components
Component props (mandatory, optional, with default value..)
Passing Data to Child components
Raising Event with React components
State components (working with setState)
Updating parent component from child
Conditional rendering
Working with React hooks (useEffect, useRef, useMemo, useCallback)
Working with mapping and keys
Working with useEffect hook
React routing
Creating private routes
Uncontrolled vs Controlled Elements

9. Redux

Neda / Lila ko stigne
What is Redux
Why and when to use Redux
Redux terminology
Redux app data flow
Redux dev tools
Basic Redux data flow
Using Redux data
Async logic and data fetching
Redux sagas


10. Node.js

Lela, Neda, Tarek

10.1. Node.js basics

About Node
Pros & Cons - Why should we use Node
Blocking and Non-Blocking: Asynchronous Nature of Node.js
Building and executing sample Node script
Module system
Introduction to NPM and the package.json
Types of Packages and Installs

10.2. Node.js execution mode

Lela / Neda
Processes, Threads and the Thread Pool
The Node.js Event Loop
Events and Event-Driven Architecture
Working with callbacks

10.3. Accessing Local System

ovo je rekao Neda da bi radio
Understanding “Process” object
Interaction with File Systems
Working with “fs” Module
Understanding the “os” Module

10.4. Node.js for Web

Creating Basic HTTP Server
Working with HTTP Routes
Parsing URLs and Query Strings

10.5. REST API

Lela i Neda
RESTful meaning
Project architecture (Domain Driven Development)

10.6. Working with database

Introduction and installation
Creating local database
Working with SQL databases

10.7. Express

Lela i Tarek(ako ti zapne Lelo)
What is Express
Installing Postman
Setting up Express and Basic Routing
Connecting Our Database with the Express App
Building CRUD APIs
Sorting, Filtering, Pagination
Environment Variables

10.8. Authentication, authorization, security

Modeling users
How Authentication with JWT Works
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