Dev Management Guide (public)

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Measure velocity: Velocity is the sum of the story points completed in a sprint. Measure this after each sprint to get a sense of how much work the team can accomplish in a given time period. When measuring velocity, it's important to use a consistent unit of measurement, regardless of what that unit is. Whether you're measuring in story points, hours, or another unit of measurement, the key is to use the same standard for all measures. This allows you to compare velocity across sprints and teams, and create a sustainable forecast for future sprints. Additionally, having a consistent unit of measurement can help the team better understand their own capacity and estimate the effort required for future work. ​Hours versus Story Points versus Effort Points. If the team finds that using story points works better for them than hours, or vice versa, then that's what they should use. It's important not to get bogged down in debates about which approach is better, but rather to focus on what works best for the team and allows them to deliver high-quality software on time and within budget. ​No adjaustments. If a team is consistently adjusting their estimates based on actual time spent, it can be a sign that their estimation process needs improvement. Estimates should be based on the team's collective understanding of the task's complexity before starting to work on it. So ones done - do not touch it. That being said, it's also important to not become too rigid in how estimates are used. If a team is consistently meeting their sprint goals and delivering high-quality work, then the specific method of estimation may not be as important as the team's ability to work together effectively and deliver results. The key is to find an estimation method that works for the team and allows them to deliver software that meets the needs of stakeholders.
Use velocity to create forecasts: Based on the last 5 to 10 sprints, create a sustainable forecast for future sprints. This will help the team understand how much work can be accomplished and plan accordingly.
Keep an eye on changes in velocity: Velocity can vary from sprint to sprint, so it's important to keep an eye on any changes. If velocity drops significantly, investigate why and make adjustments as necessary.
Continuously improve: Review your development process after each sprint to identify areas for improvement. This could include refining user story definitions, improving estimation techniques, or adjusting the team's approach to development.
Communicate progress: Keep stakeholders informed of progress throughout the development process. Use tools like burn-down charts to provide a visual representation of progress and communicate any changes in velocity or forecast.

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