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Courtenay Ennis - Coda Doctorate Résumé.

About Me

Vancouver Voice Teacher and Professional Musician Courtenay Ennis at Grand Piano in Show Rehearsal in Large Theatre.jpg
Vocal Student working during a Singing Lesson in Vancouver with instructor Courtenay Ennis.jpg

What I do:

Hi! I’m Courtenay—a commercial musician and educator. I play piano for and/or musical direct a lot of pop and musical theatre (pro theatre, cover bands, cruise ships). As an educator, I specialize in teaching singing technique to pop and theatre singers (and tracking student progress better with Coda is a big goal of mine), and plan to build an online community and online courses for singers very soon.

Where I am:

Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Interests, hobbies, etc.:

My biggest love is ‘learning stuff,’ largely through carefully searching out and then getting the best book or teacher I can find, and likely incorporating deliberate practise on some level.
I also love travel, mountains, skiing, hiking, cycling, cooking, espresso-making, photography, design, writing, flashcards, optimizing things, language-learning, and eating croissants.
I hope to get more into Coda, educational design, coding, database design, and kiteboarding. The coding and database stuff are interesting to me for (Coda-based) tracking and better evaluating the effectiveness of my teaching methods, as well as aspects of student practice. I can also see Coda helping immensely with various repetitive admin tasks for my teaching (tracking payments, automating resource-sharing, etc.), and online content creation management.

How I learn:

I love ‘leaning back’ learning, i.e. relaxed-but-focused time reading and annotating on Kindle or iPad, followed by hands-on implementing what I’ve been learning and/or adding things I want to remember to my flashcard study routine. If there were a book on Coda, I’d own it.
Any thoughtfully designed instruction that incorporates problem-based learning is great—e.g. I’ve loved the exercise docs that have accompanied several Formula Fitness sessions.

Why I’m here:

I want to start small and simple with Coda, but also use what I’ve learned about database design, recently, to start tracking various types of contact, plus teaching and business goals, in a way that is robust and extensible. Furthermore, I probably want to organize most of my life in Coda, over time. It seems like the perfect organization/efficiency tool (and more) in so many ways.
I spent a lot of time looking at what else was out there (spreadsheets, databases, AirTable, Notion) before becoming completely convinced that Coda was the way to go.

To Do List

n.b. This is based on a Coda team-generated gallery template because... that’s smart, right? I then added a lot of stuff I wanted to it, plus a view that helps me quickly only see the most important computer-based tasks.
(Leaving this button because I want to remember I can build these)
Clear template

Add task
Work on First
Start Date
Due Date
Time to Complete
Think about ‘to do list design’ and how list could and should work for every area in my life (one list or multiple? just business? just one business or multiple? Do projects belong here, too? What happens when there are contractors involved? sub-tasks? Covey structure? GTD structure? ooh! recurring tasks? reminders?)
Jun 25, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
2 Important/Not Urgent
1 High
At Computer
0 days 4 hrs
No results from filter

To-do List Master Table (leave me collapsed, mostly)

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