What problem was I trying to solve? I wanted to provide a tool for the clients that I pet sit for.
Who is the doc for?Thepet owners and me - the pet sitter.
Why did I create this doc? To stop paying for an expense service with the same functionality that I can create using Coda! Thanks Coda! 😍
How would I maintain privacy? A template would be created based a clean version of this doc. From the template, a new doc would be created for each client and the doc would be shared with the pet owner(s) after initial information has been gathered.
How would the doc be used? It would be used when I am establishing new clients to gather pet information, confirming booking details - pet sitting dates and type of visit and related costs. The doc would also be used to confirm that visits happened, as planned, by sharing pictures taken as well as adding comments.
How would the doc be accessed? Using the web interface, I would set up the doc ahead of time and share link to the doc with clients to confirm information. Pets details would initially be entered by me and reviewed and updated by the owner. Owners could confirm pet sitting dates and plans either accessing the doc via the web or by using their mobile device. I would plan to use my mobile device to capture pictures and comments real time and likewise the owners could use their mobile to see the visit pictures I have posted as well as my comments and they could also provide comments of their own, if they wanted.
Additional Context
Since I did not have the ability to manage permission with my version of Coda, I made notes about permission throughout the doc at the bottom of each page. And for the Admin page and subpages, I made a note that I would hide those pages.
I decided to put the # of pets field on the details table to allow for the most flexibility. For example, there could be a scenario where one of the pets gets picked up during the booking.
Automation FYI: The # of pets field is updated to 0 whenever the type of visit is changed to “Water Plant” via automation. It takes ~1 min for the automation to run.
Future Functionality Enhancements
I would create a master doc which to capture all bookings for all clients and create a master calendar view to ensure I have not overbooked myself.
I would need to work through how to have different pricing models which ensures old pricing data is kept but new pricing models are used going forward.
I would add a button to send an email notification to the owner whenever I have completed a visit.