vID Internal Resource Center
Technical Documentation

Getting Started - vID

Getting Started with vID App

System Requirements
Operating Systems: Android (version 8.0 and above), iOS (version 12.0 and above)
Internet Connection: Stable Wi-Fi or cellular data (at least 3G)
Installation Guide
For Android:
1. Visit Google Play Store.
2. Search for “Cerebrum vID App”
3. Click on “Install"
4. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions.
For iOS:
1. Visit Apple App Store.
2. Search for “Cerebrum vID App"
3. Click on “Get"
4. Authenticate, if necessary, and wait for the installation to complete.
Initial Setup
Open the vID app.
Allow necessary permissions
Allow OTA update to install if the loading icon appears
Scan QR code or enter 6-digit invite code

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