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“Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.” ― Thomas Szasz


“Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources”


“The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from a mental illness. Look at your 3 best friends. If they're ok, then it's you.” ― Rita Mae Brown


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

― Albert Einstein


If you pick some one, you're really safe. If they pick you, you have to be careful. - Pen Jillette


Don’t be the person who says yes with their mouth but no with their actions. - Ryan Holiday


Don't slay dragons that aren't in your way. - Jordan Peterson


* Every prophet has to come from civilization, but every prophet has to go into the wilderness. He must have a strong impression of a complex society and all that it has to give, and then he must serve periods of isolation and meditation. This is the process by which psychic dynamite is made. - Winston Churchill


* A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. - Herbert Simon


* The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. - George Bernard Shaw


* Spit on your hands and get busy. Your blood will start circulating; your mind will start ticking—and pretty soon this whole positive upsurge of life in your body will drive worry from your mind. Get busy. Keep busy. It’s the cheapest kind of medicine there is on this earth—and one of the best. - Dale Carnegie


* You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. - John Maxwell


* Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. - Anne Lamott


* Select your purpose … selfless, without any thought of personal pleasure or personal profit, and then use selfless means to attain your goal. - Gandhi


* If you are to have a great kingdom,” he said, “rule over yourself! - Publius Syrus


* The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks. - Christopher Hitchens


* You want to deliver to the world what you would buy if you were on the other end. - Shane Parrish, Farnham Street


* To get what you want, deserve what you want. Trust, success, and admiration are earned. - Charlie Munger


* The biggest problem we run into is going, ‘This is who I am, this is what I’m like, this is how I function’ while failing to notice that you don’t do that anymore. - Neil Gaiman


* We already know what we need to do. - United States Navy Seal and Rhodes Scholar Eric Greitens


* Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it. - Matthew 7:13-14


* Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. - Coco Chanel


* You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything. - John Maxwell


* Without courage we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest. - Maya Angelou


* There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't even started wondering about yet. - Roald Dahl


* The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler


* A man is about as big as the things that make him angry. - Winston Churchill


* Between two evils, I generally like to pick the one I never tried before. - Mae West


* It is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself into a new way of acting. - Millard Fuller


* The best things in life are free. The second best things are very, very expensive. - Coco Chanel


* All cruelty springs from weakness. - Seneca


* The truth knocks on the door and you say, ‘Go away, I'm looking for the truth,’ and so it goes away. Puzzling. - Robert M. Pirsig


* The busy man is least busy with living. - Seneca


* The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness. - David Foster Wallace


Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to live without it. - Altai mountain local skier from Warren Miller movie


* The wound is the place where light enters you. - Rumi


* For the mediocre there is no hope. Mediocrity is a sin.” –“The Tramp,” War of the Classes - Jack London


* No man can serve two masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire. - Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude


* Life is not even close to being as logically consistent as our worries; it has many more unexpected ideas and many more facts than we do. - Rilke


* It’s unfortunate that this happened. No. It’s fortunate that this has happened and I’ve remained unharmed. - Marcus Aurelius


* The only aspect of your life that fortune does not have control over is your behavior. - Nassim Taleb


* The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. - Henry David Thoreau


* Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You’ve got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it. - Ray Bradbury


* Good journey, not goodbye. - (Don't know where this came from, saw it on a headstone in a movie years ago and always stuck with me).


* We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one. - Confucius


* As long as you live, keep learning how to live. - Seneca


* Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. - C.G. Jung


* Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - Scott Adams


* Be who you needed when you were younger. - T.S. Elliot


* Astrophysicist Janna Levin’s magnificent Moth story about the Möbius life-paths that lead us back to ourselves, Shapiro adds: There is no other life than this. You would not have stumbled into the vastly imperfect, beautiful, impossible present.


* "philosopher Amelie Rorty concluded in her taxonomy of the seven layers of identity in literature and life. “Time is the substance I am made of,” wrote Borges decades earlier in refuting the most perplexing dimension of existence. “Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire.”"


* There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. - Louis L’Amour


* We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. - Anais Nin


* All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. - John Gunther


* I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David Thoreau


* Success generally comes after you start. If you think success comes before you start, the world probably looks confusing to you. - Scott Adams


* The pattern I observe that says complexity always hides the future, as opposed to predicting it. - Scott Adams


* Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life. – Jerzy Gregorek


Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin


* The source of wisdom is whatever is going to happen to us today. - Pema Chödrön


* No-one knows what your life or life itself should be because it is in the process of being created. Life moves according to a growing consciousness of life and is completely unpredictable. - Agnes Martin


* To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated. - James Carse, Finite and Infinite Games


* Sometimes it is not enough to do our best; we must do what is required. - Winston Churchill


* It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things. - Leonardo da Vinci


* So, if you cannot understand that there is something in man which responds to the challenge of this mountain and goes out to meet it, that the struggle is the struggle of life itself upward and forever upward, then you won’t see why we go. What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. - George Mallory


* It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously. -Peter Ustinov


* The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret. - Nido Qubein


* A tunnel is a cave with a light at the end. Just because it's dark it doesn't mean were underground. It often means that no one has bothered to turn on the lights. - Seth Godin, 9/10/16 blog post


* Some feel we have no control over what happens to us. If this is your belief, then it’s probably real for you. - Leo Babauta


* Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world. - George Bernard Shaw


* The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. – George Bernard Shaw


* There is no way to happiness -- happiness is the way. - Thich Nhat Hanh.


* Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


* It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows. - Epictetus


* We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. - Archilochus


* Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. - John Muir


* When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe. - John Muir


* Over-sentimentality, over-softness, in fact washiness and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people. Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail. - Theodore Roosevelt


* To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. - Lewis B. Smedes


* As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


* Time has no practical value without attention. - Tim Ferriss


* How much time are you spending deciding what to spend time on? - Seth Godin


* A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. - Henry David Thoreau


* Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike. - Oscar Wilde


* A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. - Bruce Lee


* Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own - Bruce Lee


* To me, ‘busy’ implies that the person is out of control of their life. - Derek Sivers


* Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often. - Mark Twain


* Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. - Mark Twain


* The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. - Mark Twain


* The preparation for the ritual is the ritual. - Kate Green


* The measure of success is not how much time you spend doing what you love, it's how little time you spend doing what you hate. - Casey Neistat


* Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood. - Leonardo DaVinci


* Wealth is liberty - liberty to seek recreation, liberty to enjoy life, liberty to improve the mind: it is disposable time and nothing more. - Karl Marx


* Train your expectation to appreciation. - Tony Robbins


* How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. - Annie Dillard


* We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle


* Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


* The greatest dignity to be found in death is the dignity of the life that preceded it. - Sherwin B. Nuland


* It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. - Adam Smith


* Be clear about your intentions, thoughtful in your choices, simple in your desires and content in your days... Life will present us with enough challenges. We don’t need to set ourselves up for more by fueling expectations or living rigidly. - Mark Sisson on Stoic philosophy


* If you find yourself criticizing other people, you’re probably doing it out of resistance. When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own. – The Art of War


* It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent. - Charlie Munger, vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway


* That’s the way the Iron talks to you. It tells you that the material you work with is that which you will come to resemble. That which you work against will always work against you. - Henry Rollins


* However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. - Winston Churchill


* Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it. - Vincent Van Gogh.


* Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.' - Lao Tzu


* If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack. - Winston Churchill


* Make the man who does wrong aware that the decent man is not only his superior in decency, but his superior in strength. - Teddy Rosevelt


* Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now! - Viktor Frankl


* People forget the brain lives inside the body. If the body's unhealthy, the brain's unhealthy. - Joe De Sena


* To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition. -Samuel Johnson


* Do fewer things. Do them better. Know why you're doing them. - Call Newport


* Either you run the day or the the day runs you. - Jim Rohn


* Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. - Jim Rohn


* If you don't have a plan to interrupt your interruptions your plans will always be interrupted. Period. - Peter Voogd.


* Behind every feeling is nothing, but behind every principle and value is a promise. - Eric Thomas


* Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be. - Hal Elrod (check source)


* When I double my rate of failure I double my rate of success. - James Swanwick, former ESPN anchor


If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. -Naval Admiral William H. McRaven. McRaven is the commander of U.S. Special Operations, navy SEAL


* If you want to accomplish uncommon things, you need to live everyday of your life uncommonly. If you spend your day like everyone else, you will end up like everyone else. -Unknown


* The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. - Gloria Steiner


* The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people. - Karl Marx


* Ability is what you are capable of, motivation determines what you do, but attitude determines how well you do it. - Lou Holtz


* The truth is revealed by removing things which stand in its light, an art, not unlike sculpture, in which the artist creates, not by building, but by hacking away. - Alan Watts


Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. - Bruce Lee


* Failure does not deserve to be addressed with recrimination or pity. Rather, failure must be honored for the insight it provides. Failure is the grist for learning; it is our teacher. Without taking risk, we can’t fail, and so we don’t learn or grow toward elite performance and top-shelf solutions. Navigate. – Mark Divine


* For every inside there is an outside, and for every outside there is an inside; though they are different, they go together. - Alan Watts


* More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them. - Harold J. Smith


* What a man hasn't been reasoned into believing, he cannot be reasoned out of believing.


* Success hinges less on getting everything right than on how you handle getting things wrong. - Michelle Russel


* People think of education as something they can finish. - Isaac Asimov


* Much of education is oriented toward making a living rather than making a LIFE. - Dr. Walsh


* Don’t ever solve the same the same problem three times in a row. If you have the same question or problem three times in a row, systematize it. - Joel Runyun


* You can only lose what you cling to. -Buddha


* Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. - Maya Angelou


* Never have your wallet with you onstage. It's bad luck. You shouldn't play the piano with money in your pocket. Play like you need the money. - Tom Waits


* Wherever a process of life communicates an eagerness to him who lives it, there the life becomes genuinely significant. Sometimes the eagerness is more knit up with the motor activities, sometimes with the perceptions, sometimes with the imagination, sometimes with reflective thought. But, wherever it is found, there is the zest, the tingle, the excitement of reality; and there is ‘importance’ in the only real and positive sense in which importance ever anywhere can be. -William James


* Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it. —Steve Prefontaine


* Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. - Thomas Jefferson


* A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you’re looking down, you can’t see the things above you. – C.S. Lewis


* The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas. - Carl Sagan


* The man is happiest who lives from day to day and asks no more, garnering the simple goodness of life. - Euripides


* Humans are powerful and beautiful...but they have to see it first, and see the power and beauty both within themselves and outside. Eyesight and vision are not the same. Eyesight perceives the surface of what is. Vision perceives what's beneath and above, and merges with your own creativity to produce your own perception, your own reality, your own world. - Erwan Le Corre


On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.—Friedrich Nietzsche


* Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. ― Leonardo da Vinci


* Wisdom, when spoken aloud, always sounds a little foolish. Perhaps that's because when we hear something that makes sense to us, we think we already know it. But often we don't. - Herman Hesse (this has been paraphrased by another author).


* America owes most of its social prejudices to the exaggerated religious opinions of the different sects which were so instrumental in establishing the colonies. - James Fenimore Cooper


* We are here and it is now: further than that all human knowledge is moonshine. - H. L. Mencken, 1880 - 1956


* A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.


* Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty. - John D. Rockafeller


* Save when you can and not when you have to.


* Success comes from keeping the ears open and the mouth closed. - John D. Rockafeller


* It was my pride that I was taken in as an equal, in spirit as well as in fact. - Jack London


* If I see a man with a good brain who simply won't get down and dig, who won't master fundamentals, I cannot help but pity him. So it is with your life's work; say that such is not your temperament, etc.; and in short are cowardly. - Jack London


* so be it. The end is not yet. If I die I shall die hard, fighting to the last, and hell shall receive no fitter inmate than myself. - Jack London


* And when we sincerely choose happiness as a governing principle of our lives, we quickly learn that circumstance has no inherent power. Any power that our life circumstance holds, is power that we give it. To borrow a line from one of my personal heroes, Viktor Frankl (Man’s Search for Meaning), “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” - Richie Norton


* Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. - William Morris


* Live as long as you may, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life. They appear so while they are passing; they seem to have been so when we look back on them; and they take up more room in our memory than all the years that succeed them. -Robert Southey


* I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible; to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance, to live so that which came to me as seed goes to the next as blossom, and that which came to me as blossom, goes on as fruit. - Dawna Markova


Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. - Chuck Close


* The truth is that the dreams that you have are very different from the actions that will get you there. - James Clear


* It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. - William Faulkner likening gratitude to electricity


* History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again. Please write that down. - Kurt Vonnegut's main character in Slapstick


* It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. - Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777 - 1855


* Mission Statement: A long awkward sentence that demonstrates management's inability to think clearly. - Scott Adams


* The Dilbert Principle: The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage - Management. - Scott Adams


* We're a planet of nearly six billion ninnies living in a civilization that was designed by a few thousand amazingly smart deviants. - Scott Adams


* Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion. - Scott Adams


* I have two doctors, my left leg and my right. When my body and mind are out of gear (and this twin parts of me live at such close quarters that one always catches meloncholy from the other) I know that I have only to call my doctors and I shall be well again. - George Macaulay Trevelyan, "Walking," 1913


* Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced. - Søren Kierkegaard, 1813 - 1855


People are very open-minded about new things - as long as they're exactly like the old ones. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876 - 1958


* The only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876 - 1958


* If you want to kill any idea in the world today, get a committee working on it. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876 - 1958


* If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong. - Charles F. Kettering, 1876 - 1958


* The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time. - Dante Alighieri, 1265 - 1312


He who cannot rest, cannot work; he who cannot let go, cannot hold on; he who cannot find footing, cannot go forward. - Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878 - 1969


The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it. - Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878 - 1969


* Barbarism is needed every four or five hundred years to bring the world back to life. Otherwise it would die of civilization. - Edmond de Goncourt, 1822 - 1896


* Never speak of yourself to others; make them talk about themselves instead; therein lies the whole art of pleasing. Everybody knows it, and everyone forgets it. - Edmond de Goncourt, 1822 - 1896


* People don't like the true and simple; they like fairy tales and humbug. - Edmond de Goncourt, 1822 - 1896


* Be mindful of your actions. Express your fully engaged attentiveness like a cat when it stalks a mouse. The cat crouches with the spirit of its whole being focused on the task at hand. Mental involvement in the actions being performed engages the whole being in the exercise, producing far greater results than merely performing them through repetition. - Dave Richardson, MovNat Alumnus


* Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. -Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar, Mark Twain


* If you want to know your past look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future look into your present actions. - Chinese proverb


* Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it. - Professor Dumbledore


* Don’t look at the wall. Your car goes where your eyes go. - Mario Andretti


* Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice. - Bob Goff


The people who stick with their goals don’t let their emotions determine their actions. Top performers still find a way to show up, to work through the boredom, and to embrace the daily practice that is required to achieve their goals. - James Clear


* Einstein stated: "Theories should be as simple as possible, but no simpler." So we will say "Training should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."


* If I find a cow turd on my front steps, I'm not satisfied knowing that I'll be mentally prepared to find some future cow turd. I want to shovel that turd onto my garden and hope the cow returns every week so I never have to buy fertilizer again. Failure is a resource that can be managed. - Scott Adams


* With an obedient and disciplined brain a man live always right up to the standard of his best moments. - Arnold Bennett, The Human Machine


* As Milton wrote inParadise Lost, “[The mind] can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.”


* A practice (as a noun) can be anything you practice on a regular basis as an integral part of your life—not in order to gain something else, but for its own sake… For a master, the rewards gained along the way are fine, but they are not the main reason for the journey. Ultimately, the master and the master’s path are one. And if the traveler is fortunate—that is, if the path is complex and profound enough—the destination is two miles farther away for every mile he or she travels. – George Leonard


* I don't know what I want. Nobody knows — or if they do, they don't know for long. I mean, you don't want the same thing long enough for it to be What You Want From Life in capital letters. - Tallulah Bankhead, 1902 - 1968


* Here's a rule I recommend. Never practice two vices at once. - Tallulah Bankhead, 1902 - 1968


Don’t be the person who says yes with their mouth but no with their actions.” - Ryan Holiday


In the information game, the race doesn’t go to the swift, it goes to the selective. - Tim Ferriss


The most effective form of learning is practice, not planning. - James Clear


Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours. - Richard Bach


My schedule is far less about what I want to get done and far more about who I want to become. - Bill Hybel


The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept. - Thucydides


If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it’s moving you away from your goals. - Brian Tracy


The more a person limits himself, the more resourceful he becomes. - Soren Kierkegaard


If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's. - Joseph Campbell


Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not. - Epicurus


If a man has reported to you, that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make any defense to what has been told you: but reply, The man did not know the rest of my faults, for he would not have mentioned these only. - Epictetus


The most courageous decision that you can make each day is to be in a good mood. - Voltaire


Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. - Rainer Maria Rilke


A good marriage is one in which each spouse secretly thinks he or she got the better deal, and this is true also of our friendships. - Anne Lamott


Things usually happen around us, not to us. - Unknown, found on Reddit


Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction. - John F. Kennedy


Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. - Abraham Lincoln


There is no past and no future; no one has ever entered those two imaginary kingdoms. There is only the present. - Leo Tolstoy


In the morning when thou risest unwillingly, let this thought be present- I am rising to the work of a human being. Why then am I dissatisfied if I am going to do the things for which I exist and for which I was brought into the world? - Marcus Aurelius


We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever. - Carl Sagan


It’s not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less. - Nathan W. Morris


Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. - Arnold Bennett


You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose. - Arnold Bennett


Perfection of character: to live your last day, every day, without frenzy, or sloth, or pretense. - Marcus Aurelius


As kids, we move a lot without thinking, but as grown-ups we think too much without moving. - Erwan Le Corre


I change my mind when the facts change. What do you do? - John Maynard Keynes


He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have. - Socrates


The condition and characteristic of an uninstructed person is this: he never expects from himself profit (advantage) nor harm, but from externals. The condition and characteristic of a philosopher is this: he expects all advantage and all harm from himself. - Epictetus


Today I escaped from anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions-not outside. - Marcus Aurelius


It is time you understand that true spirituality means that you yourself become the living expression of the divine teaching you follow. - Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


The hidden harmony is better than the obvious. - Heraclitus


Shedding one’s skin. The snake that cannot shed its skin perishes. So do the spirits who are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be spirit. - Nietzsche


I was wise enough to never grow up while fooling most people into believing I had. - Margaret Mead


Time is the king of all men, he is their parent and their grave, and gives them what he will and not what they crave. - Pericles


Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. - Heraclitus


Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man's ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Keeping one’s distance from an ignorant person is equivalent to keeping company with a wise man. - Ali Bin Abi-Taleb


I’ve never been interested in pursuing a normal life. There are enough people doing that. More growth and discovery seems to happen when I’m uncomfortable. - Derek Sivers


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Wayne Dyer


You might feel dumb asking questions, but you look dumber when you don't get it because you failed to ask.


Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. - Benjamin Franklin


Accept—then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life. - Eckart Tolle


Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will evade you, but if you notice the other things around you, it will gently come and sit on your shoulder. - Henry David Thoreau


Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. - Arthur Schopenhauer


Anger has a honey tip, but a poison source. - Buddha


Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones like them. - Marcus Aurelius


Here is my secret. It is very simple: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. - Antoine de Saint Exupéry


To a disciple who was forever complaining about others, the Master said, ‘If it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth.’ - Anthony de Mello


For a master, the rewards gained along the way are fine, but they are not the main reason for the journey. Ultimately, the master and the master’s path are one. And if the traveler is fortunate—that is, if the path is complex and profound enough—the destination is two miles farther away for every mile he or she travels. - George Leonard


The purpose of life, as far as I can tell, is to find a mode of being that’s so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant. - Jordan Peterson


There are people who make no mistakes because they never wish to do anything worth doing. - Goethe


It is not enough to know, we must also apply; it is not enough to will, we must also do. - Goethe


Were you to live three thousand years, or even thirty thousand, remember that the sole life which a man can lose is that which he is living at the moment; and furthermore, that he can have no other life except the one he loses… This means that the longest life and the shortest amount to the same thing. For the passing minute is every man’s equal possession, but what has once gone by is not ours. - Marcus Aurelius


“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.—’Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’—Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.” - find source on optimize


Men seek for seclusion in the wilderness, by the seashore, or in the mountains - a dream you have cherished only too fondly yourself. But such fancies are wholly unworthy of a philosopher, since at any moment you choose you can retire within yourself. Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul; above all, he who possesses resources in himself, which he need only contemplate to secure immediate ease of mind - the ease that is but another word for a well-ordered spirit. Avail yourself often, then, of this retirement, and so continually renew yourself. - Marcus Aurelius


When he was asked in an interview who didn’t make it out of the Hanoi Hilton, [James] Stockdale replied: Oh, that’s easy, the optimists. Oh, they were the ones who said, ‘We’re going to be out by Christmas.’ And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they’d say, ‘We’re going to be out by Easter.’ And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart. . . . This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.


Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. - Albert Einstein


- B.H. Liddell Hart’s old line that sometimes the longest way around is the shortest way home. - B.H. Liddell (same meaning as Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast)


- Ignorance more often begets confidence than knowledge. - Charles Darwin


- He who least needs tomorrow, will most gladly greet tomorrow. - Epicurus


- Having knowledge but lacking the power to express it clearly is no better than never having any ideas at all. - Pericles


- If all you did was just looked for things to appreciate, you would live a joyously spectacular life. - Esther Abraham Hicks


- Let go or be dragged. - Zen Proverb


- When we have alternatives, we compromise instead of commit. - Seth Godin


- Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyways. - Glennon Doyle Melton


- Beware the stories you read or tell; subtly, at night, beneath the waters of consciousness, they are altering your world. - Ben Okri


- The gulf between competence and incompetence amplifies the more competence is needed. - Shane Parrish, Farnham Street


- Anticipate, but don’t expect. Anticipation: You’re excited for what the future holds, but you don’t try to control it. Expectation: You try to predict the future and restrict your happiness to one outcome. - James Clear


- Concentration produces wealth. Diversification protects wealth. - James Clear


- Always be excited about the possibilities. Never be entitled to them."


- Because that’s all there is. The response. This is not to dismiss the immense difficulty of any of these ordeals. It is rather, to first, be prepared for them — humble and aware that they can happen. Next, it is the question: Will we resist breaking? Or will we accept the will of the universe and seek instead to become stronger where we were broken? Death or Kintsugi? Fragile or, to use that wonderful phrase from Nassim Taleb, Antifragile? Not unbreakable. Not resistant. Because those that cannot break, cannot learn, and cannot be made stronger for what happened. - Ryan Holiday


- In a world where information is abundant and easy to access, the real advantage is knowing where to focus. - James Clear


- The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. - Ernest Hemingway


- Every day of our lives, we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference. - Mignon McLaughlin


- Praise invariably implies a reference to a higher standard. - Aristotle


- Life is not only a pleasure but a kind of eccentric privilege. - G.K. Chesterton (it’s been granted to us)


- The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have. - Epictetus


- If you can't do it with feeling - don't. - Patsy Cline


- You take people as far as they will go, not as far as you would like them to go. - Jeannette Rankin


- The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology. - E.O. Wilson


- The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other persons. - Aristotle


- If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change. For I seek the truth, by which no one ever was truly harmed. Harmed is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance. - Marcus Aurelius


- A thousand half-loves must be forsaken to take one whole heart home. - Rumi


- If one notices how some individuals know how to treat their experiences (their insignificant everyday experiences) so that these become a plot of ground that bears fruit three times a year; while others (and how many of them!) are driven through the waves of the most exciting turns of fate, of the most varied currents of their time or nation, and yet always stay lightly on the surface, like cork: then one is finally tempted to divide mankind into a minority (minimality) of those people who know how to make much out of little and a majority of those who know how to make a little out of much; indeed, one meets those perverse wizards who, instead of creating the world out of nothing, create nothing out of the world. - Friedrich Nietzsche


- Envy of other people shows how they are unhappy. Their continual attention to others behavior shows how they are boring. - Seneca


- Society tames the wolf into a dog. And man is the most domesticated animal of all. - Nietzsche


- There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in. - Bishop Desmond Tutu


- Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson. - Alan Cohen


- Imagine how you want to feel at the end of the day. Start working towards that now. - Lin-Manuel Miranda


- I’m not in the White House. Tried for that job. I didn’t get it. So all I can do from where I am is to say, ‘All right, how do we get things done from here?’ - Mitt Romney


- Don't count the days. Make the days count. - Muhammad Ali


- Perfectionism becomes a badge of honor with you playing the part of the suffering hero. - David D. Burns


- The grass is always greener because it’s been fertilised with bullshit. Enjoy what you have. - @pTah_XV (twitter user)


- Get up! Do not lie there ‘thinking.’ Nothing good every came from that. Get up! Begin your day! - Paramahansa Yogananda


- Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now! - Goethe


- Observe the movements of the stars as if you were running their courses with them, and let your mind constantly dwell on the changes of the elements into each other. Such imaginings wash away the filth of life on the ground. - Marcus Aurelius


- If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading. - Lao Tzu


- If someone could only see my actions and not hear my words, what would they say are my priorities? - James Clear


- If you have good habits, time becomes your ally. All you need is patience. - James Clear


- A good listener is one who helps us overhear ourselves. - Yahia Lababidi


- Your life is designed to get the results you are getting right now. Whether you realize it or not, you are the architect. - Shane Parrish


- Asking myself "is this helping me get what I want" is becoming one of my favorite questions. - Shane Parrish


- The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. - Eden Phillpotts


- The way of fortune is like the milky way in the sky; which is a number of small stars, not seen asunder, but giving light together: so it is a number of little and scarce discerned virtues, or rather faculties and customs, that make men fortunate. - Francis Bacon


- The more control you have over your attention, the more control you have over your future. - James Clear


- Anything that's human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. - Fred Rogers


- Without noticing we’re doing it, we treat the future as intrinsically more valuable than the present. And yet the future never seems to arrive. - Oliver Burkeman


- What you are aware of you are in control of. What you are not aware of is in control of you. - Anthony De Mello


- Every single qualification for success is acquired through habit. People form habits and habits form futures. If you do not deliberately form good habits, then unconsciously you will form bad ones. You are the kind of person you are because you have formed the habit of being that kind of person, and the only way you can change is through habit. - Albert Gray


- Give equal space to the thought, "What if it all works out?" - Colleen Jornlin (Twitter @gggingersnappp)


- There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen. - Vladimir Lenin


- Don’t look for the next opportunity. The one you have in hand is the opportunity. - Paul Arden


- Nothing is more pathetic than people who run around in circles, ‘delving into the things that lie beneath,’ and conducting investigations into the souls of the people around them. - [[Marcus Aurelius]]


- Wealth is the power to choose. Financial wealth is the power to choose how to spend money. Social wealth is the power to choose who to hang out with. Time wealth is the power to choose how to spend your day. Mental wealth is the power to choose how to spend your attention. - James Clear


- Taking ownership of your time means I only have this much time to live, I’d better make the most of it, I’d better make it alive time, I’d better be urgent, have a bit of an edge, be aware of each moment as it’s passing and not in a fog. - [[Robert Greene]] from [Alive Time vs. Dead Time](https://fs.blog/knowledge-project/robert-greene/)


- Nothing is more pathetic than people who run around in circles, 'delving into the things that lie beneath,' and conducting investigations into the souls of the people around them. - [[Marcus Aurelius]]


- Do you imagine the universe is agitated? Go into the desert at night and look at the stars. This practice should answer the question. - [[Lao Tzu]]


- Once a man worries, he clings to anything out of desperation; and once he clings he is bound to get exhausted or to exhaust whomever or whatever he is clinging to. A warrior-hunter, on the other hand, knows he will lure game into his traps over and over again, so he doesn’t worry. - Carlos Castaneda wisdom from The Wheel of Time


- You have comfort. You don’t have luxury. And don’t tell me that money plays a part. The luxury I advocate has nothing to do with money. It cannot be bought. It is the reward of those who have no fear of discomfort. - Jean Cocteau

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