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Project Roadmap Guide [+ Resource Utilization Template]

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Project Roadmap & Resource Management Template

A project roadmap with resource utilization shows a high-level overview of a project's deliverables as well as the resources required to complete the project.

What Is A Project Roadmap?

A project roadmap is a visual representation of a project that is used to communicate project plans and manage stakeholder expectations. Project roadmaps include a high-level overview of the project’s goals, deliverables, key milestones, flagging team dependencies, and identifying resources that are key to project success.
Project roadmaps are often conflated with . The key differences are:
A product plan focuses on launching a product and tracking the tasks associated with the launch
A project roadmap offers stakeholders a bird’s eye view of the entire project

Now that we have a better understanding, what makes a good project roadmap?
A project roadmap should be interactive so that all stakeholders in the company can have a visual representation of all the project elements that are relevant to them and contribute accordingly. This template is an interactive project roadmap that grows and changes with your project objectives. This template is an interactive project roadmap that grows and changes with your project objectives. It can be used in combination with the to document all processes and provide a high-level overview of the project.

Resource Management with Story Points

Project resource allocation has to be efficient in order to make business sense. This is why resource management is one of the most important factors when thinking about the big picture for your project. Simply put, resource management shows how work is allocated across all your project team members. Some team members may be over utilized, which means you need to allocate some of that team member’s work to others. A project has a limited amount of resources, so the project manager must make the most efficient use of those resources to complete the project.
If your team practices the scrum methodology for product development, you may be utilizing story points. What are story points? Story points are an abstract measure of effort to finish a specific task or user story. As opposed to hours, story points don’t have an assigned dollar or time value. The important concept to know is that the estimated story points for a task are meaningful relative to other tasks with story points.

How to Break Down a Project by Effort

Whether you use hours or story points, a set amount of effort must be established for each task. This template allows you to enter in start date, end date, team member, the team member’s role, and effort for a specific task. This allows you to see a chart that shows resource utilization across your team, and can help you make the decision on where to allocate your team’s resources. Since you have the start and end dates for tasks, the same data can be visualized as a as the project roadmap.
Gantt charts in Coda are interactive, so you can dig deeper into a specific bar to see which team members are booked for that task.

Watch This Tutorial On How To Use This Project Roadmap Template

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Project Roadmap FAQs

What is the purpose of a project roadmap in project management?

Project roadmaps provide key stakeholders with a high-level view of all the major resources required to complete a project. It is a collaborative communication tool to map important milestones and get buy-in in order to complete a successful project.

What should a project roadmap include?

Project roadmaps should list all project deliverables, timeframe, team dependencies, and business goals to ensure that all key stakeholders are aligned on the project workflow and progress.

What is the difference between a project roadmap and a project plan?

One of the main differences between a project roadmap and a project plan is the project scope or perspective. Project planning typically happens on a more tactical level where teams flesh out the project details. Project roadmapping functions to offer an overview to project stakeholders.

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