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Career Coaching Questions

You can follow the ‘G.R.O.W.’ framework to help someone establish a concrete career action plan:
G. - Goal: Where do we want to go?
R. - Reality: Where are we today?
O. - Options: What are the pathways we can take to bridge the gap?
W. - Will or Work: What work are we going to do to get there?
Motivation 🚀
What do you look forward to most when you come to work? What parts of your role would you like to spend more time doing?
Motivation 🚀
What sucks your energy at work? What part of your job feels most like ‘work’?
Motivation 🚀
What are you really good at, but never want to do anymore?
Motivation 🚀
What drives you to succeed?
Goals 🥅
Imagine yourself in three years. What do you hope will be different about you then compared to now?
Goals 🥅
What is your progression goal in 6-12 months? How will you measure success for that?
Goals 🥅
Tell me about your ideal next role. What characteristics does it have from a responsibility, team, and company culture perspective? What characteristics does it not have?
Reality 🪞
What are the three most important characteristics of the role you want to get into? How would you stack rank yourself from strongest to least developed among these traits from 1 - 5?
Reality 🪞
What constructive feedback have you gotten in the past that you’re working on? What areas would you like more feedback on?
Reality 🪞
How might you get better feedback about this skill? Who can you ask? How will you ask?
Options ⚖️
Let’s brainstorm the options. What are some of the ways you know of to develop that skill?
Options ⚖️
How could you apply that skill in your current role? What projects in our team would allow you to explore that skill?
Options ⚖️
What gives you anxiety or stress about these pathways? What might prevent you from being able to achieve this?
Options ⚖️
Who’s really good at this that you admire? How might you learn from them more?
Work 🏋️‍♀️
What are the specific actions you’re going to take between now and next time we meet?
Work 🏋️‍♀️
How will we track progress? How will we know once that skill is developed?
Work 🏋️‍♀️
Imagine you’re not able to make progress between now and next time we meet. What would be the main reason? How can I help ensure that doesn’t block you?
Work 🏋️‍♀️
What actions do you want me to take to support you on this?

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