Whether you are planning trips for yourself, someone else, or a group, this Trip Planner is your “grow-with-me” space to book the best options, communicate with your fellow travelers, and keep your frequent flyers happy!
Copy this doc to get started!
Welcome to the EA Trip Planner
Hi! I’m Amy, an EA at Coda, and I book travel on behalf of my exec all. the. time! And while booking flights and hotels, I had to keep asking tons of questions like:
He likes to fly between times X and Y, and didn’t I have a note somewhere about an exception to that rule if he’s going to Boston?
What was the name of that one hotel that lost the reservation that one time? Definitely don’t want to book there again
Wait, when does his event start?
Okay, I found a bunch of options that should get him where he needs to be. Do I email these to him? Run though in person? Send via carrier pigeon or slack?
This Trip Planner removes all of that pain! With this trip planner, you can:
Have a single source of notes for individual trips and preferences customized to frequent locations
Share the doc with your exec so they select the flights they want from options you find - making it really easy to select the right flight for them!
You can plan multiple trips at once - the doc is flexible enough to let you explore options for many different trips are the same time
Build out according to your preferences! This template is a starter version of the trip planner, but the sky is the limit! What if you....
Added a button to automatically add a flight to the exec’s calendar? Or the hotel stay, formatted exactly as they prefer?
Create an agenda aligned to every trip that the exec can trust and review straight when they land?
Email the exec’s family about their upcoming travel plans so everyone stays on the same page?
Automatically ping the IT team if the exec will be out of the country so they can provision their accounts correctly?
Whatever else you care about when it comes to travel, this Trip planner is an awesome place to hold information and take action
To get started:
Make a copy of this doc (or two! One for your personal travel, and one for when you book on behalf of someone else, or manage your family’s travel schedule?)
and use the red Delete all Data button to remove my pretend information (or, remove the information on each table individually - whatever makes sense to you!)