Plan, communicate and run great workshops

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Intro to the Workshop Facilitation Kit

A toolkit for planning, communicating and running great workshops

Hi, I’m Alissa.

Today, I’m a User Researcher at Coda, but before I came to Coda, I spent 4 years running workshops around the world to help teams innovate.

This doc shares the basics of how to run a great workshop.

It’s a checklist-style approach that allows you to keep track of what you’ve done and have left to do.
Simply ‘copy the doc’, delete this page, and get started.
Customize it to house your workshop materials as you go - after all, this is Coda, you can use it to do almost anything. 🪄

This is based on real-world learning around what works, and what doesn’t.

I’ve learned through practice and endless iteration what makes the difference between a great workshop, and a when-is-this-going-to-be-over workshop.

The secret is designing around frequent, curated attendee interaction. Thoughtful planning is key to creating a positive participant experience.

These learnings come from running dozens of small-group workshops, conducting hundreds of workshop interviews, managing countless attendees and stakeholders and standing up a 2-week global training program to teach others how to do this type of work.

I hope you find it useful, happy workshopping!

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