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GG Email Draft

Hello, this is Ahanu Casey with the TKCN eBay group.
I’m sending you this message to inform you of our decision regarding your offer for the DS consoles and parts we brought by for your consideration a few weeks ago. ($125 and $200 respectively) We apologize for the delay in response; there have been many things requiring our attention as of late.
We appreciate your offer, and although we feel it is too low to be economical for our business, we are still interested in supporting local business by offering as much of a discount as we can reasonably achieve.
For the parts: We’ve decided upon a counteroffer based on a set of minimum rates, which has been enclosed below for your consideration. These rates are discounted significantly from our already competitive online prices to bring them as close to those of our suppliers as is reasonably possible. This way you can purchase only as many parts and/or consoles as you need, while still enjoying very similar discounts to those of a bulk-order. We feel this is a unique offer you are not likely to find elsewhere, given the opposing nature of bulk vs. individual part sales.

For the consoles: It is true that many of the consoles we are offering require significant refurbishment, but nonetheless we will decline your offer for less than $3 per unit based on the fact that even a broken console is worth more than that in parts alone. Most suppliers offer no-power units for at least $10-$15 each, and at least $20 for units that power on but have (even severe) cosmetic damage or electronic part failures. If even half of the parts that compose a DS are broken beyond repair, the remaining parts will not be found (original or aftermarket, even at the lowest of bulk discounts) for less than $3 unless you own the factories that produce them.
Our offer is this: $10 each for consoles that have issues preventing them from powering on, and $13 each for all others. We understand your repair model functions differently, with customers bringing their old units to be evaluated instead of ordering them in bulk, but for our purposes this is the lowest we are willing to go.
We completely understand this offer may not fit your needs the same way they would ours, and there’s no hard feelings if you choose to decline. We are more than happy to list these items for full value online, but thought we’d offer them to you first because we think it’s cool that there’s a place like Gateway Games in town and would like to support it with our business if possible. Whatever you decide now, we will honor these rates for as long into the future as supplies last.
If you are still interested in purchasing any of our supplies at the enclosed minimum rates, please let us know and we’ll stop by as soon as we can to let you pick out what you want (please note that some parts may be out of stock by this time). Otherwise, we thank you for your interest and wish you the best of luck!
- Ahanu Casey

(707) 714 - 7638
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