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Hyperledger Fabric

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Hyperledger Fabric

Version 2.5
Session 1: Fabric Key Concepts
Difference between Hashing and Encryption
x509 Standard Certificate
General Overview - Introduction
Fabric Model
Smart Contract and chaincode
Ordering Service

Session2: Getting Started
Prerequisite and Installation

Session3: Starting Test Network
Steps For Network Creation
Run Certificates Authority Services for all Orgs
Create Crypto-materials for all organisations
Create Channel Artefacts using Org MSP
Create Channel and join peers
Deploy Chaincode
Install All dependency
Package Chaincode
Install Chaincode on all Endorsing Peer
Approve Chaincode as per Lifecycle Endorsement Policy
Commit Chaincode Defination
Invoke & Query Transaction

Session 4 : Integration of Blockchain Explorer with Fabric Network
Create Fabric Network
Define Network Configuration for Explorer Client
Containerise Explorer
Integrate with Running network
Verify On UI Dashboard

Session 5 : Smart Contract
Chaincode development in Go Language
Basics of Chaincode Development
Chaincode structure
Query and Create Transaction
Session 6: Node API - Part1
API Introduction
Register User
Fabric Gateway SDK

Session 7 : Node API - Part2
Invoke Transaction
Query Transaction

Session 8: E2E Transaction Flow
Transaction Flow
Data Persistence
Stopping Network

Session 8: Full Stack Applikcation
CRUD Operation on Asset
Validate History
Verifying Data

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